

  1. 答:Fuck you!Show what key!He got high。
  2. 答:塑料袋的危害:污染空气
问:寻一份 2011-2015年中国注塑机市场深度调研及投资分析报告
  1. 答:做报告就找权威一点的公司来做 花的钱要用在刀刃上 中国机电数据网 专注十年市场研 究报告 目前在北京拥有员工近100人,其中高级调查分析师40余名,高级经昌租颂济师10余名,注 册规划师10余名,注型拍册工程咨询师(投资) 10余名。在北京、上海、武汉、长沙、澳大利亚悉 尼等地均设有办耐郑公室,推荐关注。
问:关于“塑料袋”的调查报告 急用
  1. 答:recently a new law was launched about use of plastic bags the law stipulate all the plastic bag should prohibited which was not meet the reqirement of the goverment the law was promulgated on 2007 6 1 many people showed great support they say this bags may cause damage to our environment and the manufacturer should produce higher quality bags which ply with the law but many people say it also cause inconvenience if we didnt use plastic bags how could we carry thing and it is almost for us to carry a basket go to work and buy thing after work all plait like a landmine bombarded the goverment so how should the government do to consolidate the laws and also to make these people satisfied the goverment should pay arduous effect to pacify the temblor and walk their way back to track/normal
  2. 答:其实我也在写,不过没写好,你很急吗?能等几天吗?
